Launch Your Own
Grafters Super Group


How much does it cost to join?

You can join a Grafters Super Group and lock out your specialism for 12 months for either : –
1. £765 
or alternatively
2. 3 x consecutive monthly payments of £265 (Total £795)

There will be a monthly meeting fee arranged by Group Directors to cover Tea, Coffee & Venue Hire etc. This is typically £20 per month.
(All the above prices are subject to vat).

Once a member can I visit other groups?

In addition to visiting their own group every fortnight, a member can also visit any other group once every 6 months.
We ask members to be respectful when visiting other groups if your respective specialism’s seat is already occupied by another member.

What does lock out mean?

Grafters Super Groups are based on discipline exclusivity so every group can have one member for each specialism. For example, one flooring contractor, one plumbing contractor, one structural engineer etc.
We are very proud that ultimately any Grafters Super Group should be able to build a house or a hotel from the foundations to the roof and all the constituent parts with in it 🙂

How often do groups meet?

Fortnightly and meetings last around 1hr 45mins.

Are non-construction property people allowed to join?

We are very selective about who we allow to join as we want to keep every group as pure as possible. That said, if you can demonstrate a strong construction and/or property bias your application to a group can be considered. Always best to email groups@grafterssupergroups.co.uk for clarification.

Are finance professionals allowed to join?

Finance professionals can be allowed to join in certain circumstances. For example, most groups will have an Insurance Seat as we recognise that all contractors and sites must be insured. Similarly, most groups will have a finance seat as all projects, small or large, will require finance as the lifeblood of any development. In both instances the applicant must be able to demonstrate a strong construction/property bias.

To enquire about joining a group in your area click here