Grafters Super Groups are fortnightly networking groups for specialist suppliers and contractors to the construction & property sector ONLY.
Stafford is a IN-PERSON Group
Meeting location : The Castle Golf & Leisure CIC, Castle Way, Stafford ST16 1BP
⬇⬇⬇Scroll DOWN for Delegate LIST ⬇⬇⬇
No Divorce Lawyers, Personal Trainers or Independent Financial Advisers...just people in property and construction and integral support services to the construction and property industry 😁
Every member is working on multiple projects where your products and services will be currently required.
is launching soon
Zoom Details
No Zoom, this is an in-person meeting 🙂
Next Meeting
Thursday January 23, 2025
8:30 am to 9:45 am
and fortnightly thereafter.
Grafters Super Groups
Group Director
Grafters Super Groups
Grafters - Group Consultant